Link to Trail Reports


TrailBusters Photos

Proudly maintaining snowmobile trails in northern Oneida County, New York, including north Rome, Western,
Hawkins Corners, Lee Center, Stokes Corners, West Branch, Point Rock, Ava and into West Leyden.

Join the Club
Club Officers
Trail Info & Map
Landowner Section
Trail Reports
Contact Us

The Trailbusters Snowmobile Club, Inc. is a non-profit snowmobile club founded in 1966. The club maintains over 38 miles of Class A trails over both public and private lands. The club provides snowmobile safety education classes and encourages preservation, conservation and a healthy respect of nature and the environment. 

The Lee Center Trailbusters would like to thank all of our landowners for their generous cooperation in allowing us to have trails travel across their property. Without their support, it would not be possible to have these trails.

2025 NYSSA Super Raffle

The NYSSA Super Raffle is our only fundraiser, and we encourage you to buy some tickets. Request them from Millie at, or purchase them at Delta Lumber & Hardware on Turin Road or at Schoff Polaris on Elmer Hill Road, both in Rome, NY. Tickets are $5.00 each, and our club gets to keep $2.50. There are 56 great prizes. Top 5 are three new snowmobiles, $5,000 and $1,300 cash!! The rest are mostly cash prizes ranging from $500 to $200, along with $500 gift certificates. Click either icon below to see a sample ticket with all the details.

Super Raffle ticket          Super Raffle ticket

The drawing date is Saturday, 26 April 2025, and will be live on Facebook.

2024-25 Meetings

Monthly meetings are normally held on the second TUESDAY of the month.

Location: Lee Town Hall, 5808 Stokes-Lee Center Road, Lee Center

Time: 7:00 pm


13 August
10 September
12 November
10 December
14 January
11 February
11 March

Please mark your calendars.

Szyper/Maitland Bridge Project

Volunteers were Ross Destito, Jake Whitney, Andy Lim, Fred Strzepek, Brian Boudreau, Eric Stebbins, Dave Piersall, Eric Tyler and son Ethan, Steve Tyler, JT Sprock, Brian Whitney, Derek and Tia Hawkins, Mike Thompson, Kyle Thompson and Dan Eickmeier. Special recognition to Eric Tyler from Hillside Seasonal for donation of the time/use of the excavator. It was critical to the bridge placement.

See more pictures on our Photos page.

Thank you to everyone who helped!

Bridge Work Completed!

Work has been completed on the bridge near Adirondack Machine Tool Shop just after we cross Stokes-Westernville Road (Trail C7). See the photos below. You can contact Dan Eickmeier on Facebook or contact us at or check back here for more information.

Thank you!

Bridge Redecking Completed!

Work has been completed on the bridge off North Beartown Road.

See more pictures on our Photos page.

Thank you to volunteers Darwin Piersall, Eric Stebbins, Brian Boudreau and Dan Eickmeier for doing this project.

And thank you Lou for continued use of your land to support snowmobiling in Oneida County!

We will have more work days in the near future. Please contact if you can help.

Oneida County Snowmobile Law Poster

Click above to view the entire poster.

In the News

Polaris Ranger Crew Cab Delivered

Polaris Ranger

Trailbusters SC took delivery of a new 2019 Polaris Ranger 1000 XP EPS crew cab on January 29, 2020, purchased from Schoff Polaris.
Pictured from L-R — Dave Seaton, President; Dave Piersall, Trail Coordinator; Tim Schoff, Polaris dealer; and Dave Peer, Treasurer.

Volunteers redecked a bridge in Stokes in August 2017. See photos.

Grooming Machine

We are now on Facebook!

Facebook Logo
The club now has a Facebook page! Please search “Lee Center Trailbusters Snowmobile Club” and “Like” us. In addition to posting here, the club will be posting our trail grooming reports and other pertinent information on this page. We are hoping that our “Friends” will post their photos and Trail Reports here too! Please join the conversation and lets make this fun!

Trailbusters Club

The Trailbusters Snowmobile Club is a year round club. Besides grooming 38 miles of trails 6 nights a week (when we have snow); maintaining 2 groomers and a host of other equipment; making, placing and removing approximately 900 stakes and signing, clearing and (at times) rerouting.

Each spring, summer and fall, there is a host of similar projects that will need to be addressed so that there will be safe trails to ride next year. Please come to the monthly meetings and be a part of something really great. We all want safe and professionally maintained trails to ride, but we need more people involved. Won't you please take an active role and help your club! Please contact Dan Eickmeier at 618-977-9695 or Mike Thompson at 315-338-0520 to have your name added to our volunteer list. Thank you!

Please Join the Club!

Please click here to join or renew your Trailbusters membership. If you enjoy our trails and would like to become a club member, we offer two options to join. You can choose the NYSSA online membership application and print out your membership voucher immediately, or you can print out our application form and send it in by mail. Either way, we thank you for supporting the Trailbusters Snowmobile Club!

FYI, you can no longer join a snowmobile club at the DMV. If you do not join a club, your registration fee will be $100 per sled. If you do join a club, the registration fee is $45 per sled. The Trailbusters Snowmobile Club would be honored to have you join us as a member!

Thank you to everyone who has already joined!

Trail Work

Volunteers to help with bridge repairs, signing and other trail work are always needed. Contact either Dan Eickmeier at 618-977-9695 or Mike Thompson at 315-338-0520 to let us know your interest and times available.

Happy Rider